Bette Donofrio


Bette Donofrio is a pilot, former risk manager for an aviation company, Mom, and the founder of Thistle Design. She currently lives in Tewksbury Township with her husband, two children, and their dog Sophie.

Throughout her career and life, Bette realized the necessity of having an organized and simplified lifestyle is essential to a busy life. She learned over time that utilizing design not only creates a visual calming and expressive space, but also can organize and create time saving advantages to an already full and demanding schedule.

With this in mind, Bette created Thistle Design, a design firm devoted to creating beautiful spaces indoors and out that reflect your personality and individual style and committed to offering uncompromising quality and using sustainable materials whenever possible.

It’s time to create a home that not only expresses your personal style but also compliments your lifestyle by assisting in organizing and simplifying everyday life.

Bette Donofrio, Founder